Thursday, August 27, 2020
Culture and Accounting Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10750 words
Culture and Accounting - Thesis Example This exploration plans to assess and introduce culture as one of the most noteworthy components in understanding the structure of the general public, for the way of life changes the different frameworks of the general public and it impacts the traditions, ethics and gathering conduct in and over these frameworks. The most by and large acknowledged social system in bookkeeping study is the Hofstede’s social guidelines. The utilization of Hofstede-Gray structure is to assess the effect of culture on the usage and type of bookkeeping, as it shows the impact of culture in China’s bookkeeping framework through an intensive assessment. Hofstede put advances normal qualities right through the collaboration of four sections. These are environmental factor, institutional impacts, outside impact and network standards. Hofstede-Gray structure is utilized to clarify and figure overall dissimilarities in bookkeeping frameworks and to perceive the examples of bookkeeping development comprehensively. Bookkeeping practices and frameworks of a nation can impact and reinforce network esteems. Bookkeeping practices of a nation, being principally a human action, are influenced by the choices and understandings in the use of bookkeeping standards and qualities. The bookkeeping practices of a nation are likewise influenced by the natural highlights, fundamentally culture. So the way of life, qualities and customs held by the individuals from a bookkeeping plan, pervasively affect the bookkeeping practices of the nation. The rehearsing of bookkeeping framework by different social gatherings would bring about various choices and translations of bookkeeping framework thoughts and its connections. ... of the most critical components in understanding the structure of the general public, for the way of life adjusts the different frameworks of the general public and it impacts the traditions, ethics and gathering conduct in and over these frameworks. The most by and large acknowledged social system in bookkeeping study is the Hofstede’s social guidelines. The utilization of Hofstede-Gray structure is to assess the effect of culture on the usage and type of bookkeeping, as it shows the impact of culture in China’s bookkeeping framework through an intensive assessment. Hofstede put advances regular qualities right through the collaboration of four sections. These are natural factor, institutional impacts, outside impact and network standards. Hofstede-Gray structure is utilized to clarify and conjecture overall dissimilarities in bookkeeping frameworks and to perceive the examples of bookkeeping development all around. Bookkeeping practices and frameworks of a nation can impact and reinforce network esteems. Bookkeeping practices of a nation, being fundamentally a human action, are influenced by the choices and translations in the use of bookkeeping standards and qualities. The bookkeeping practices of a nation are likewise influenced by the natural highlights, essentially culture. So the way of life, qualities and customs held by the individuals from a bookkeeping plan, pervasively affect the bookkeeping practices of the nation. The rehearsing of bookkeeping framework by different social gatherings would bring about various choices and translations of bookkeeping framework thoughts and its connections. The social relativism on the bookkeeping rehearses by various frameworks in a nation can influence the dependable choices and translations in the utilization of examining and bookkeeping guidelines. The bookkeepers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysis of Liver Disease in Europe
Investigation of Liver Disease in Europe What exactly degree does liquor add to liver illness in Europe? Alcoholic liver illness is the significant intricacy of constant liquor misuse, with cirrhosis (with or without entry hypertension), being the most widely recognized end-purpose of the range of complexities. This affiliation is seen all through for all intents and purposes all populaces, segment gatherings and clinical sub-sets. (Walsh K et al. 2000) It is prominent that the frequency of the malady procedure is changing on an overall thought, with nations, for example, India and Japan as of late observing a fast acceleration in quantities of instances of cirrhosis, from their customarily low standard of pervasiveness of the infection. This article be that as it may, will principally think about the circumstance in Europe. Contemplations of safe cutoff points to liquor utilization must be introduced with the remarks that they are disputable, and that there is no basic concurrence on a base safe level. In the UK, the Royal College of Physicians propose a week by week breaking point of 21 units (210 g) of liquor in men and 14 units in ladies just like the maximum furthest reaches of â€Å"safe†use. This must be found in the setting that the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys General Household Survey found that 27% of men and 13% of ladies in the UK were seen as surpassing these cutoff points in 2004 (OPCS 2004) This can be appeared differently in relation to the discoveries of an Italian investigation (Bellentani S et al. 1997) which proposed that the â€Å"significant chance threshold†for the ensuing advancement of alcoholic liver ailment in an Italian populace was just 30g of ethanol every day and that the hazard raised with dynamically more significant levels of admission. The creators additionally noticed that, for a given degree of admission, ladies had an essentially higher danger of creating alcoholic liver sickness than aged coordinated men. On a basic note, one must surrender this was an imminent non-randomized investigation with a moderate (6,500) section associate. This can be contrasted and a bigger Danish examination (13,000 passage associate) which showed a measurably noteworthy increment in the danger of alcoholic liver sickness at levels of admission over 14 27 units for every week in guys and 7 13 units in females. (Becker U et al. 1996) One can't close, from this information, that diverse European populaces have distinctive vulnerability to alcoholic liver ailment. One of the major functional troubles in mounting a significant imminent investigation of this nature is the control of the colossal number of factors that may impact the result, not least of which is the way that no unique individual beverages a uniform amount of liquor every day over numerous years. There are additionally contemplations of the chance of variety of impact of various restrictive brands of liquor containing drinks just as the (generally under examined) region of the drawn out impact of hard-core boozing. For all intents and purposes all investigations in any case, exhibit a lofty portion subordinate increment in alcoholic liver illness over an edge level of liquor admission with ladies having a more prominent frequency of the sickness than men at a given age range and level of admission. The purposes behind this sex contrast isn't totally clear with Kwo et al. showing that on the off chance that one alters for weight and liver size, at that point the two people have identical natural paces of liquor debasement. (Kwo P Y et al. 1998) Various specialists (viz. Teli M R et al. 2005) propose that these sexual orientation contrasts in weakness to alcoholic liver illness might be expected to fundamentally to pharmacokinetic reasons remembering contrasts for the paces of ethanol ingestion or then again, contrasts in the level of reaction of the liver to liquor instigated injury, for example, that brought about by oxidative results of ethanol digestion in the liver. In the event that one acknowledges the troubles innate in attempting to characterize the lower edges of â€Å"safe†levels of liquor drinking, at that point it is likewise suitable to think about the issue from the opposite finish of the range. There are numerous investigations in the writing which have considered the occurrence and normal history of alcoholic liver malady in a populace of substantial consumers who, by definition, will show an a lot higher commonness of the illness procedure. A relatively old investigation by La Vecchia et al. demonstrated an Europe-wide diminishing pattern in alcoholic liver malady in the ongoing past (La Vecchia, C et al. 1994) and this ought to be contrasted and information which shows that the passings from alcoholic liver malady are really expanding in the UK (CMO 2001). Increasingly explicit late information shows that this expansion is lopsidedly spoken to by the youthful grown-up and moderately aged populace in the UK indicating a 8-overlap ascend since the 1970s (Leon, D. An et al. 2006) There is a general discernment that end-stage alcoholic liver infection (as cirrhosis) is just found in those patients who exhibit liquor reliance condition (viz. Smith et al. 2004 and Luca An et al. 2007). There is a developing group of proof which recommends this may not really be the situation. In the event that one considers one of the milestone papers on liquor reliance and related infection forms, one could refer to the arrangement of Jellinek who sorted five â€Å"sub-species†of liquor addiction in his definitive work in the region. (Jellinek, E. M. 1960 A). The flow centrality of his underlying order is that he distinguished two explicit sorts of â€Å"alcoholics†, the ‘ãÿ alcoholics’ who are not liquor dependant, yet who have a lopsidedly high occurrence of liquor related infections, for example, cirrhosis and differentiated this to the gamma heavy drinkers who were commonly profoundly genuinely needy, showed visit conduct issues and had a high rate of sociological difficulties. Jellinek made conclusions regarding why these gatherings had diverse drinking designs recommending that the inclination towards overwhelming savoring the Ãÿ alcoholic gathering was identified with the traditions and companion pressures inside their social gathering, while gamma liquor abuse was described, to some extent, by drinking to calm a mental needing and a physical compulsion. (Jellinek, E. M. 1960 B). With regards to this assessment, one can instinctively propose that the traditions, peer weights and social groupings might be one of the more striking reasons for various examples of liquor use over the different national societies of Europe. There is a further trouble in that, a short diagram of the writing regarding the matter of alcoholic liver illness shows that, with regards to Jellinek’s hypothetical structure, which portrays the number of inhabitants in consumers who present to human services experts with liver malady as an unmistakably independent (in spite of the fact that covering) populace from the individuals who present with liquor reliance, there is a near scarcity of studies which take a gander at the drinking designs, social elements and perspectives in patients with alcoholic liver sickness when one contrasts it and the abundance of writing on liquor reliance. This may appear to be a scholarly induction, yet one can refer to the authority of the regularly cited Wodak study which recognized noteworthy contrasts between the number of inhabitants in normal patients with alcoholic liver infection and a populace of patients who were selected from a liquor treatment community for reliance, introducing pr oof that lone 18% of patients who had clinical alcoholic liver illness were seriously subject to liquor and this diverged from 56% of the participants at the liquor treatment focuses. The creators likewise found that 63% of the patients who were found to have alcoholic liver illness had just a mellow or moderate reliance on liquor. (Wodak, A. D. et al. 1983). In the event that one looks past the limits of Europe, one can refer to the authority of an Indian investigation (Sarin, S. K et al. 1998) which discovered extensively comparative outcomes. Later investigations utilizing liver transplant patients (viz. Burra, P. et al. 2000) have likewise created comparative outcomes, in spite of the fact that there is an undeniable wellspring of potential determination inclination in such examinations in the longing of specific patients to be acknowledged onto a transplant program and this predisposition will (instinctively) shift between the various examples of clinical consideration gave across Europe. The issue defying numerous specialists is the trouble in clinically characterizing alcoholic liver infection. Numerous patients might be uninformed that they are creating critical issues until the hour of introduction. The principal introduction might be with intense upper gastrointestinal tract discharge or with alcoholic hepatitis. The two conditions as often as possible present without notice indications of a creating liquor reliance. (Vorobioff J et al. 1996). The Harry et al. study revealing that the principal introduction of alcoholic liver infection may really be deadly with wild draining oesophageal varices conveying a quick 25% death rate, (Harry, R. et al. 2002), a finding additionally found in the Brett study. (Brett, B. T. et al. 2001). Mathurin proposes that in patients who present with serious alcoholic hepatitis, over half amazing. (Mathurin, P et al. 1996) On the off chance that one thinks about information from other European places, the Italian Loguercio study considered the example of drinking in indigenous Italians who had Hepatitis C. (Loguercio C et al. 2000). This is especially noteworthy in the Italian populace as their pervasiveness of Hepatitis C is the most elevated in Europe. (De Bac, C. et al. 2004). It is notable that Hepatitis C contamination is related with a higher occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma, yet it isn't know the degree to which resulting liquor consumption impacts the common movement of the illness procedure. The Loguercio study looked to investigate this element and mentions the objective fact that solitary 4 5% of all original copies submitted to â€Å"Hepatology†manage liquor related liver ailment, which epitomizes the point made before. In direct con
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write the University of Chicago Supplement 2019-2020 TKG
How to Write the University of Chicago Supplement 2019-2020 The University of Chicago is a large liberal arts undergraduate college within a powerful research university in Chicago, Illinois. There are 6,285 undergraduate students and 10,159 graduate, professional, and other students. The university is known for a rigorous Core curriculum that requires all students to gain a well-rounded liberal arts education before graduating. It also operates on a quarter system, rather than the typical semester system that most colleges use. Gaining admission to the University of Chicago is analogous to getting into an Ivy League university. The acceptance rate is a mere 7.3%. Each year, the University of Chicago offers a series of ~quirky~ prompts to pick from that are inspired by current or recent students. They pride themselves on having earned a reputation for having some of the *quirkiest* prompts in the world of college admissions. Cool cool cool. We are more than willing to congratulate them on having the Quirkiest Supplement, but their commitmen t to creativity makes for a fairly overwhelming list of options, especially for students who do not have help or guidance through the college process. Also, in the vein of transparency, we hate all of these supplements. They are the equivalent of Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started A Conversation With. Choose one of the six extended essay options and upload a one- or two- page response.Before you start writing, you need to be clear on the formatting guidelines. We say guidelines because there are no requirements beyond the response being under three pages, but we have some guidelines we’d like you to follow. Please do not use ½-inch margins or a tiny font. Your document should have normal margins, be single-spaced, and the text should be a simple serif or sans serif font in a readable size (11 or 12 is best). Every supplement you write for your college applications should be well-structured, but the length of this supplement means that it needs to be executed as fully-fledged es says â€" much like your Common App essay. Do not pick a prompt and start writing from a stream of consciousness. Do not try to finish this response in one go. Brainstorm, outline, draft, edit, and then edit some more. 1. Cats have nine lives, Pac-Man has 3 lives, and radioactive isotopes have half-lives. How many lives does something elseâ€"conceptual or actualâ€"have, and why? â€"Inspired by Kedrick Shin, Class of 2019If you are going to pick this prompt, you need to have a lot of fun with it. We’re not going to throw any ideas or examples out at you, though, because if you want to write a piece using this prompt you need to have the kind of mind that came up with something within seconds. The thing you came up with might not be what you end up writing about, but your brain did jump to something quickly. Structurally, you could try writing a scene-based essay, playing out the lives of whatever you pick in a vignette structure. Whatever structure you choose, do not spend two pag es over-explaining the concept behind your decision. Be bold, commit to a story, and stick to it. 2. If there’s a limited amount of matter in the universe, how can Olive Garden (along with other restaurants and their concepts of food infinity) offer truly unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks? Explain this using any method of analysis you wishâ€"physics, biology, economics, history, theology… the options, as you can tell, are endless. â€"Inspired by Yoonseo Lee, Class of 2023We have to admit that we don’t really ‘get’ this question, especially since the answer is a rather transparent combination of economics, price controls, and shipping logistics that isn’t exactly what we would describe as captivating for a college supplement. However, if you are captivated by economics, this question could work for you. If you decide to go for it, make sure to bring the topic alive by using vivid imagery and storytelling â€" the life of a breadstick from wheat field to breadbasket to belly if you will. 3. A hot dog might be a sandwich, and cereal might be a soup, but is a ______ a ______? â€"Inspired by Arya Muralidharan, Class of 2021 (and dozens of others who, this year and in past years, have submitted the question “Is a hot dog a sandwich,†to which we reply, “maybeâ€)Is sorbet ice cream? Is ice cream cake a cake? Is a cookie cake a cake? What even is cake?!? This question is a lot of fun if â€" and you’ve probably already caught onto the trend by now â€" you are willing to go for it. Let yourself ponder without muddling. Explore how an item may fall into a category, or may not, in a spiraling way that leads the reader into your brain, down a rabbit hole, and out the other side. And please be funny. 4. “Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures.†â€" Jessamyn West â€"Inspired by Elizabeth Mansfield, Class of 2020If you are interested in literature or writing, you’ve probably thought about this a fair bit. The power of fiction is that it a llows us to look into issues of life, culture, and society, with just enough distance to be honest with ourselves about ourselves, and about the world around us. If this is intriguing to you, this may be the perfect prompt for you. Your first step should be to brainstorm for a story that embodies the concept the prompt introduces. Is there a time in your life when fiction played a role in understanding a truth? If so, tell the story. If not, pick another prompt. 5. UChicago has international campus centers around the world, but we don’t have any interplanetary, interstellar, or interdimensional campuses… yet! Propose a spot in time or space, in this or any universe, for a new UChicago campus. What types of courses would be taught at this site? What cultural experiences await students who study there? â€"Inspired by Peter Jasperse, Class of 2022Like all of the University of Chicago prompts, this is a great question if you are willing to throw yourself into it. No matter what you are interested in majoring in or what passion you want to show, there is a way to use this prompt. To make it work, you need to embrace the storytelling opportunities it presents. If this sounds exciting to you, go all in. Be creative and let this supplement reveal so many parts of the inner workings of your mind. Present a potential syllabus and explore the course requirements. Design a program all students would have to take part in or try writing it from the perspective of a first-year student arriving on campus for the first time. 6. “Don’t be afraid to pick past prompts! I liked some of the ones from previous years more than those made newly available for my year. Also, don’t worry about the ‘correct’ way to interpret a question. If there exists a correct way to interpret the prompt I chose, it certainly was not my answer.†â€"Matthew Lohrs, Class of 2023 In the spirit of adventurous inquiry (and with the encouragement of one of our current students!) choose one of our past prompts (or create a question of your own). Be original, creative, thought-provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun!This prompt (the last prompt!) is a long way of saying, “write whatever you want!†Most of the time, we advise students to take this option when they have it. Here, though, we’re going to break from our script. Prompts 1-5 offer so many options and avenues while simultaneously giving you room to roam that we advise choosing one of them over this one (number 6). Applying to colleges with long supplements can be overwhelming. We help students thrive through the process, becoming stronger writers while producing exceptional applications. Send us an email if you’re interested in our helping hand.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Art Of Persuasive Language - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 642 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: 1984 Essay Did you like this example? In a lucid moment Winston found that he was shouting with the others and kicking his heel violently against the ring of his chair (Orwell 14). Winston Smith is an average man in the world of 1984, at least that is what readers believe at first glance. However, there is a hidden life under the surface of his skin, this being the brewing hatred he feels for the, otherwise, worshiped Big Brother. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Art Of Persuasive Language" essay for you Create order Smith meets an unlikely companion in a young woman named Julia. Julia takes part in a group titled the anti-sex league, and she tends to form relationships with inner party members that goes against the league. Even though they are said to have fallen in love and would never leave each other, they are not allowed to be together, but they always find ways to work around it. Upon finishing the novel the reader will come to find that even through everything. Winston gives up on himself and his love for Julia when being faced with his greatest fear, and now is fully brainwashed by the party. Contained in the novel 1984 is the use of rhetoric, propaganda, and constant uneasiness, these tactics are just some of the ways the party controls the citizens. The art of persuasive language designed to have a persuasive effect on the audience, and is often regarded as lacking meaningful content. The following quote, War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength (Orwell 4). Early in the novel the audience is exposed to one of the first pieces of rhetoric. The quote above is repeated throughout the novel countless times. The use of rhetoric as well as repetition is used as a way to drill information into the citizens minds. Neither Goldstein nor Big Brother are real but the power behind the propaganda that the party uses makes it seem that way. The narrator shows in this quote how Goldstein are used in propaganda, The voice of Goldstein had become an actual sheeps bleat, and for an instant the face changed into that of a sheep (Orwell 15). This shows how the propaganda inspires citizens to see Goldstein as a weak individual that tried to take their beloved leader for guaranteed. Apart of the same scene in the book this quote shows how Big Brother is the figurehead of the party, But in the same moment, drawing a deep sigh of relief from everybody, the hostile figure melted into the face of Big Brother (Orwell 15). The quote proves that the citizens are through rhetoric and classical conditioning taught to worship Big Brother and see him as the person that will keep them safe from their enemies. Throughout the novel Oceania is engulfed in wars with two countries named Eurasia and Eastasia. These two enemies play a vital role in the story of 1984. Winston describes the wars with the two countries, Since about that time, war had been literally continuous, through strictly speaking it had not always been the same war (Orwell 33). The party keeps the war a constant worry in the citizens minds, they want them to feel unsafe and have the unknown haunt them. This keep their minds weak and weak minds are easy to manipulate. Learning about Winston Smiths life throughout the novel allows readers a glimpse into his mind and how he is secretly fighting back, but in his personal rebellion. However, like all other failed attempts to escape Big Brother, Winston was lost in the effort. It makes a reader wonder if a world like 1984 could ever become a reality. If we succumbed to the torture, and brainwashing that Oceanias citizens were put through would we have been able to fight back? In this dystopian world something is truly created, this is the idea that causing citizens fear, throwing propaganda into their faces, and using rhetoric are ways to effectively create an easily controlled society.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Research Paper on Nursing in a Global Environment
From a rather general point of view, I’d like to begin this work by giving a brief description based on the aspect of patient assessment. It can be defined as the process which involves gathering information about a patient and it is normally done by the medical staff. The information may include a number of aspects for instance; the sociological, physiological, spiritual and the psychological status of a patient(Stroud, 1963). In this particular case, the discussion shall largely comprise the aspect of assessing a patient’s spiritual and cultural needs. Part (a) It is a fact worth noting that we live in a world comprising a diverse people who have varied beliefs as well as other cultural and spiritual practices. It is therefore important for each and every individual in the healthcare fraternity to have the relevant skills of obtaining this information from the people to whom they offer care. Having a full idea of a patient’s spiritual and cultural preferences gives an individual a good ground to offer as complete care as possible. With the above information in mind, a number of questions are usually incorporated in the assessment tools. This is done in a bid to draw certain details about the cultural and spiritual needs of a patient. For instance some of the interrogatives may be: What is your religion/denomination? (spiritual need assessment) What is your language of preference?(cultural need assessment) What is your place of origin? (cultural need assessment) When is your worshipping/holy day(s)? (spiritual need assessment) Which ones are some of your main religious and cultural festivals (assesses both aspects.) Are there food stuffs that you do not take? Do you do prayer and fasting? The above listed questions are some of the few ones which can be found common in these assessment tools. As one can notice, a true answer to these questions can go along way in giving a caretaker an idea of how to handle the patient. In my own opinion, I feel the questions help give a wider possibility of obtaining the right information about the patient’s needs hence they are adequate. Perhaps the only requirement may be an occasional and necessary explanation to those who may not be able to understand certain fields within the assessment tools. Part (b) This is one vital aspect which is worth noting, i.e. the ability of a practice setting to give the right provisions and skills to nurses in line with patient assessment. The setting has continually been keen to expose the nurses to these guidelines as much as possible. They are usually in written form and contain detailed information regarding strategies of meeting the needs of the patients. The guidelines provided to the nurses equally address the extremes or rather the emergency cases. For instance in a case where a patient refuses a particular medical attention with the reason that it compromises his/her religious and/or cultural beliefs, the guideline provides a multiple alternatives. This way, there is always the conviction that despite the diversity in needs, there is a way through which a patient will be helped at the end of the day. Part (c) A number of things can be done by a nurse in order to ensure that the needs of a patient are met at all costs. This may involve varied strategies depending on the content of the guidelines given to the nurses. For instance, in a case where a patient refused to take a particular meal due to the cultural/spiritual inclinations, a nurse had to look for an alternative meal just to ensure that the patient ate and got stronger. In a different example, a patient who refused blood transfusion would be subjected to an alternative therapy by administering other medical cares that would well sort the issue of blood scarcity in the body. For a patient who requested for prayer, a religious leader with whom the patient shared the same spiritual aspects would be contacted to offer the prayer. This could be a family member or a religious leader as requested by the patient. On the other hand, there are some of those requests that could not be granted due to a number of reasons as placed in the gu idelines. For instance, a patient who requested to be allowed to fast could not be given that chance especially if the patient was suffering from related problems like ulcers. This request could not be met because it obviously would put the patient into more danger hence do him/her more harm than the much desired good. Part (d) There are those cases when the assessment tools are not adequate. At times even the guidelines are never availed to the nurses. In such a case, a nurse can devise a means or means of developing the guidelines that will help address certain situations. This can be done by seeking to know a few more details in connection to the background of a patient. For instance, a patient who has a Christian background has a particular way of doing things; once a nurse has this in mind, it can then be possible to put down the relevant guidelines. Nurses can well come up with the guidelines by interrogating the patient not only with the idea of getting information on what they don’t like but also on what they do. In this approach, it becomes possible for the nurses to a have a variety of alternatives based on the need of every patient. In a nut shell, with many alternatives in the guidelines, there is always a way of helping and hence giving maximum care to a patient. Reference Stroud, M (1963). Functional assessment in geriatrics: a review of progress and direction. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 37: 267–271.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Resource Management Essay - 1964 Words
In this assignment I intend to outline the development of Personnel Management (PM) and Human resource management (HRM). Briefly describing their development and the role they play in a work place today. I will then discuss the role HRM played in changing the approaches adopted by management to employment, before finally hypothesising about the future direction of HRM. PM can be traced all the way back to the late 18th century and the industrial revolution in England. However for the purpose of this assignment my analysis will begin much later after the Second World War (WW2). WW2 created a massive demand for labour and in particular personal specialists. It was in late 1946 that these specialists created the Institute of Personnel†¦show more content†¦These changes took place for a number of reasons. The economy in general was changing and there was a shift from manufacturing to service and the focus moved to customers both internally and externally. Huge technological strides were made during this period which allowed business to change with it. There was also a change in attitude towards employees so, family friendly policies were introduced and employers tried to help employees achieve a work life balance. HRM started to become an integral part of business, where PM had been reactive HRM became proactive and was involved in decision making. They are also involved with management up to board level and contribute to the bottom line of the business (profit). HRM is now responsible for the hard S’s: strategic planning, structure, systems and service internal/external. HRM still includes the soft S’s and these are now much less involved because HRM is about planning ahead and making provisions for retirements, temporary cover for busy periods and other foreseeable and unforeseeable problems ahead. HRM staff now work closely with unions, with a close relationship both parties are now far better at avoiding union action and problems can generally be sorted quickly with little fuss. There is still a great debate between academics as to whether HRM is a whole new concept or just a repackaging of PM. Some experts, for example Legge 1995 and Storey 1989; 1995 suggest that the message itself is not theShow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management : Human Resource Management1140 Words  | 5 Pagesa business efficiently? Human Resource Management (HRM). Human Resources is the solid foundation that practically oversees the entire organization, whether its managing employees to surveilling the progress of every single department. There are six principle functions that Human Resource take into account: employee relations, recruitment, compliance, compensation and benefits, training and development, and safety (policies/regulations). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Comparative Ethics and Social Responsibility for Society
Question: Discuss about theComparative Ethics and Social Responsibility for Society. Answer: Introduction Ethics may mean acceptable behavior that every business must adhere to (Okoli Amadi 2014). The code of behavior explains how the company is supposed to relate with both internally and externally stakeholders. This governs all activities of the business to ensure that the organization does not exploit employees, customers, suppliers, the society, the government and all other stakeholders of the organization (Schmit, 2010). Social responsibility is an ethical framework which states that the entity, whether an individual or organization is obligated to act in the best interest of the society as a whole(Woodman and Mitchell, 2011). In this case, the organization must ensure that it avoids any activity that would breach this implied contract to the society. It must, therefore, be very careful to mitigate all possible risks that its operation may cause to the physical environment and peoples' lives regarding health(Skogdalen, Utne, Vinnem, 2011). The organization is also obliged to providing necessary facilities e.g. social amenities to the society as well as ensuring that it affects economic lives of the people around it in the course of its operation (Foxon and Pearson, 2007). It has to consider its impact on four main areas within the society before embarking on the actual process. These areas are; environmental pollution, health factors, social factors and economic factors. Ethics and social responsibility go together at all times. It is from the above definitions that this article seeks to establish in studying the oil and gas industry and its implication upon omitting this critical aspect in carrying out their operations. The ways in which the Control of Ethical Related Perils could Minimize Accidents. Management of unforeseen eventualities related to ethics is crucial when it comes to avoidance and reduction of accidents in oil and gas industries. This can be achieved through the establishment of proper conduct oriented influence which is to be emulated by all stakeholders in the organization. This character must be induced in the workers at all levels and be taught to take responsibility on any incident as a result of failure to adhere to accepted regulations. (Bigliani, 2013). For example, Exxon Valdez Ltd could not have allowed the firm without a license to carry out the assignment accorded to it. This was very high risk taken by this company which could have been managed. The fact that there was no license was enough to alarm raised for the officials of Exxon Valdez to know that Third Party was unqualified for the task at hand. Since these officials overlooked this danger alarm raised and went ahead to allow it to take over the ship, the consequence was much felt when the vess el caused the worst accident ever. Logically, if this risk was managed by the officials, then this accident could not have occurred, and hence the complete loss and burden could have been prevented (Okoli Amadi, 2014). Therefore, this illustration shows how managing ethical risks can obviously help in avoiding accidents. The ethical risk was seen when the officials having done alcohol detoxification program and found out that the person operating the vessel had an excess level than required. With a clear prior knowledge of this fact, the managerial team decided to contract such a person assuming the dangers involved since it was seen as a breach of shipping law. Piloting under the influence of alcohol, the in-charge lost control. Therefore, he went against the normal direction which resulted to unnecessary oil spill and eventually causing a material destruction. This accident could have been prevented the Exxon Valdez official denied the captain access to the vessel given the fact that his blood-alcohol level was past the one recommended by the coast guard officials. The captain lost control of the ship since he was drunk, a high ethical misconduct leading to a great loss. In the real sense, if the vessel officials could have managed this moral risk, then this accident could have been avoided entirel y (Andeobu, Hettihewa, Wright, 2015). The third ethical risk leading to this fateful accident is when the ship captain, Hazelwood, showed disobedience and failed to take the instructions of the Coast Guards who warned him in advance of the dangers that could result from kicking off. Ignoring this warning and instead exerted a lot of effort for a long time in rolling the vessel (Ojukwu-Ogba, 2009). This made the spill even more severe causing it to spread all over for a long period of time. This in turn suffocated sea life ranging from bigger to smaller living organisms both plants and animals. Coast Guards is tasked purely to monitor the movement of all the fleet on water and guide the captains on any looming danger. Ethically, it's required that when warned by the guards, the captain must obey and follow the instructions to the latter to avoid causing any damage (Bigliani, 2013). Failure to follow these instructions is an ethical risk. This can easily be managed when the captains are trained that they are under the inst ructions from the Coast Guard and should heed any warning from them. In this case, it might be assumed that the captain was not instructed on about the warning from the coast guard. This translates to why he was not licensed and also given the fact that he was drunk (Duruigbo, 2008). If this failure to take instructions was well managed, then this accident could have been avoided. BP encountered a significant risk which led to a massive explosion when it subcontracted an oil rig from Transocean Ltd in venturing in a highly profitable business in the Mexican country. Later, rigging exploded resulting in loss of several lives of workers at the site. This explosion was due to poor management of the risk clearly seen when BP took actions which made the well more vulnerable. It also shortened the measures to be taken to test the viability of the equipment before undertaking the activity. The decision undertaken in usage of cheap equipment was an alarm to an impending peril. If BP could have managed these risks, then it's more than certain that all these accidents could not have materialized. Comparing Perils Encountered by the three Firms in Attempt to Respond to Demand. Risks Being Faced by BP Beyond Petroleum, BP failed to live up to its promises of being socially responsible and sustainable (Schmit, 2010). Despite its rebrand, it failed to merge the intended meaning to the operations. This was evidenced by an explosion in one of the entities where it was playing an oversight role. BP experienced a series of major scandals in an attempt to increase its production levels. For example, there was the Texas refinery explosion killing fifteen employees. This happened when the management at BP decided to use shortcuts to increase oil production and in return make huge profits without considering the ethical responsibility that it was supposed to take. This exposed so many employees to danger hence an explosion occurred resulting in the death of fifteen employees. BP again engaged in another risk by subcontracting an oil rig from Transocean Ltd in order to increase its revenues in future. By so doing, there resulted an accident which put to death a number of workers. The site where this had happened collapsed later with enormous negative impacts in relation to the oil spills resulting to environmental catastrophe. Proper investigations of the site could have been undertaken before sub contraction. Assumption of this vital step made the firm to blindly entering into this contract which resulted to more regrets (Parloff, 2010). In addition to the above risks, during an explosion, BP started drilling other holes in the hope of relieving tension at the destroyed site. Unfortunately, the results were unwelcome and caused further damage and losses than ever before in the amounts of oil waste. The result of this was a further depletion of sea life together with a decline in trade activities done by the locals and the people who solely depended on water organisms as their means of livelihood. Abetter remedy would have been undertaken to curb the accident other than this alternative (Sylves Comfort, 2012). BP was solely responsible for its downfall. This can be traced from the measures it used to take in case of an occurrence. The actions taken by BP made the well more vulnerable. Also, the firms decision procedurally not being satisfactory to the required standard, with personal selfish intentions was a major blow. The firm intentionally omitted necessary logistics that would have saved it from the dangers that it faced at the implementation of the incomplete steps. Thirdly, the desire to reduce expenses as much as possible in purchasing and installing the equipment was another undoing. It is the intention of every business to cut down costs as much as possible. However, the problem arises when it fails to consider main areas more so those touching the society and the environment at large. In addition, the spill became such a wide-scale disaster due to a faulty blowout preventer which accelerated leakages within the tube. With trained and ethical engineers, this would have been notice d in advance and proper management put in place to prevent the disaster (Sylves Comfort, 2012). It is also said that the firms technicians might have assumed the prior signs and advices before the actual activity being undertaken. Ignorance of such signs gives an impression of incompetence among the people involved. Should they have heed, the evidenced explosion would not have occurred. Risks Being faced by Exxon Exxon has several risks in trying to increase its supply to the market. First, it allowed unauthorized firm to be in charge of the vessel. This was a big mess as far as ethics is concerned. The firm assumed its personal responsibility in case something worse happened as result of such undertaking.(Sylves Comfort, 2012). This was a big risk since a captain who is not licensed should not pilot the ship. Secondly, the official of Exxon Valdez was very much aware of the status of the person who was to be in-charge of the vessel and instead he assumed and proceeded to offer the chance even when he knew the future dangers involved. This might be linked to corruption at the expense of the companys interests. It could not be understood how and why somebody in management could give such a person an assignment with such a high peril. Thirdly, Joseph Hazelwood ignored the Coast Guards alarm on the possible consequences of operating the vessel at that particular moment. The management would have controlled this if it could consider its obligations to the society at large. The ignorance of the captain could either be linked to his blood-alcohol content which was above the expected levels. This could have interfered with his judgments which made him cause a disaster. (Sylves Comfort, 2012). Risks Being Faced by Fracking The firm is responsible for polluting the environment especially water by emptying harmful materials and gases in these bodies. This affects the lives of marine animals as well as polluting water which could have been used otherwise (Srebotnjak Rotkin-Ellman, 2014). It also releases fast-moving gasses such as methane into the atmosphere. The release of these gasses into the air causes air pollution which endangers most life including human life. Fracking as well is accused of causing deviations in seismicity within the society. It uses volumes of water in the course of its operations which is a great danger to life in relation to this important natural resource since it could create artificial droughts due to continuous use of it. It is also claimed that the exclusion from some rules enjoyed by this firm may be detrimental to the general public (Spence, 2013). Further, it is as well receiving some ban in some countries such as France, Germany, Scotland, and Bulgaria. This practice h as resulted to a reduction in value of residents making it less profitable for those affected with the activity to transfer ownership of this precious commodity due to reduced demand for such houses. Due to the fact that these firms are located to densely populated areas, any catastrophe caused would affect a good proportion of the populations .Such risks expose the company to many problems which in future makes the firm to face resistance in the areas it has been operating in. Continuous resistance reduces the goodwill of the firm thus making it hard for the firm to penetrate the market. This leads to low sales accompanied by low profits (Spence, 2013). In comparison, all these companies were substantially involved in high risks which in turn affected their production levels (Merrill Schizer, 2013). All these companies felt the consequences of the different risks they went through in that these risks posed challenges to the immediate environment such as water animals, atmosphere, as well as losing much oil and gas through spills. These costed them a lot of money which would have been used productively by investing in expansion projects. (Sylves Comfort, 2012). Risk Mitigation through Ethical Leadership Moral influence is guided through respect for ethical beliefs and values in ensuring dignity and rights of others in the society. Components of ethical leadership include trust, honesty, consideration and fairness. Every ethical leader must lead by example, championing all ethical issues in the organization and also ensure efficient communication within and without the organization. The above roles are a stepping stone ethical operations without fear of breaking rules or breaching contracts whatsoever (Taylor, 2009). To drive the point home, the paper has looked at the possible causes of the risks encountered in a number of firms and how they can be controlled by help of ethical leadership. To begin with, Exxon Valdez accident which caused a lot of damage both to the environment and sea creatures was due to the following reasons according to the reliable sources: Hazelwood, the captain of the tanker, had an excess blood-alcohol level which is not allowed for captains. To add on this, the captain ignored the warning of the Coast Guard on the risks of rocking the ship at that particular moment. Furthermore, the officials' negligence was noted since they gave Hazelwood the responsibility with their full knowledge that his blood-alcohol level was above the accepted levels for captains as per the rules of the land (Vinnem, 2010). In addition, the containment efforts by Alyeska Pipeline Service to curb the accident were too slow and ineffective as per the observation of Coast Guard in regard to responding to emergencies. Not forgetting communication breakdown at the scene which hampered cleanup efforts, lack of initiative by the management of Exxon and Alyeska to mobilize a fleet of private fishing boats which were available to help in containment and cleanup activities. In addition to these, unpreparedness of Alyeska Company to contain a major disaster increased the spread of the risk. Finally on the causes of these accidents were the managerial decisions to reduce costs in terms of advocating for incomplete procedures and also buying low-quality equipment to save money for other organization's use at the expense of their ethical and social responsibilities. All these were ultravires as far as legal aspect that bound the firm to corporate social responsibility was concerned (Taylor, 2009). Therefore, having looked at the above causes critically, it can be concluded that the company lacked ethical leadership. This is so because such a leadership would have ensured there is no communication breakdown since one of its tenets is effective communication thus mitigating the risk appropriately (Osmundsen, Aven, Erik, 2008). Also, ethical leadership entails leading by example which could not have entertained management's negligence on the captain when his blood-alcohol content was above the acceptable limits. In addition, championing the need for ethical practices in the organization to all workers being one of the roles of ethical leadership would have prevented unnecessary delays and malpractices such purchasing equipment at low cost which increased exposure to risk with the aim of cutting on costs (Schonbeck, Rausand, Rouvroye, 2010). The captains negligence on the Coast Guards advice meant that ethical leadership was lacking since he would not have proceeded to rock the ship at that time. In a nutshell, all these causes would have been contained if a proper ethical leadership would have spearheaded every department. Conclusion From the above article, we learn that it is impossible for any business to operate successfully in a given society without taking into account ethical related issues characterized by that particular ecosystem. Business entities therefore, should deceased from focusing just on its profits and put the whole idea of humanity at heart. Most of these companies make hazardous decisions which expose them to a lot of risks which could have been conveniently avoided. These perils also could have been prevented if a well-designed ethical leadership and compliance programs are embraced by the management of these companies. To ensure sustainability in the oil and gas industry, it's inevitable for these firms to develop proper methods of dealing with any uncertainty in time so as to avoid further dangers. Risks discussed above may be managed to help reduce accidents and loss. The management should put more focus on risk management as these companies prove to be vulnerable to risk. From the compar ison of the risks faced by BP, Exxon, and Fracking, it's clear that the damages and losses could be managed and hence prevented. This is a must do for all companies looking forward to a loss-free engagement. It is therefore recommendable for firms to institute a working and vibrant department within its system to deal with such ethical related issues. This will save the firm from spending on damages caused as well as wasting a lot of time dealing with law suits at the court in regard to such issue. The expenses saved here would be conveniently used to develop other sectors within the organization as well as bettering lives in the society through giving back to it in terms of social facilities and employment creation. References Andeobu, L., Hettihewa, S., Wright, C. S. (2015). Risk Management in the Extractive Industry: An Empirical Investigation of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 17(1), 86. BiglianI, R. (2013). Reducing Risking Oil and Gas Operations: IDC Energy Insights Opinion. Retrieved on May 23, 2017, from Duruigbo, E. (2008). The Global Energy Challenge and Nigeria's Emergence as a Major Gas Power: Promise, Peril or Paradox of Plenty.International Environmental Literature.Review.,21, 395. Foxon, T.J., and Pearson, P.J.G. (2007). Towards improved policy processes for promoting innovation in renewable electricity technologies in the UK, Energy Policy, 35(3), 1539-1550. Merrill, T. W., Schizer, D. M. (2013). 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Learning from experience: The development of the Renewables Obligation in England and Wales 2002-2010, Energy Policy, 39(7), 3914-3921
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Airasia Management Info System free essay sample
AirAsia Berhad is the leading airline in Asia which offers the largest low fare for domestic and international flights. It was established as a low cost airline as a dream by making flying is possible for everyone. It is just like their company slogan ‘Now Everyone Can Fly’. It scheduled to travel up to 78 destinations across to 25 countries domestically and internationally. AirAsia was a company originally owned by Malaysian government which was later bought by Anthony Francis Fernandes that commonly known as Tony Fernandes. On September 2011, Fernandes bought this airline for one ringgit. It is an airline that only owned two ageing Boeing 737 jets, 200 employees and 40 million ringgit in debt. Fernandes who was a former music executive successfully turn the company around. After a year operating, the company broke even then turned it into a profitable airline within two years (The story of Tony Fernandes and AirAsia, 2013). Fernendes reformed this highly indebted airline by introducing short haul low cost carrier. We will write a custom essay sample on Airasia Management Info System or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The first and main base of AirAsia is the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, while its secondary hubs are at Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Senai International Airport and Penang International Airport. It continues to pave the way for low-cost aviation for international flights and successfully launched the first international flight to Bangkok. In 2007, AirAsia X was established focusing on the low-cost, long-haul segment. Establishing this sister company is to provide high-frequency and point-to-point networks to the long-haul business. AirAsia X’s cost efficiencies are derived from maintaining a simple aircraft fleet and a route network based on low-cost airports, without complex code-sharing and other legacy overheads that weigh down traditional airlines without compromising on safety.. AirAsia X’s efficient and reliable operations are fully licensed and monitored by Malaysian and international regulators, and adhere to full international standards. AirAsia X is committed in offering X-citing low fares, X-emplary levels of safety and care, and an X-traordinary in-flight and service experience to all our guests spreading the amazing AirAsia experience to X-citing destinations in Australia, New Zealand, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, India, Middle East and Europe (AirAsia Berhad (â€Å"AirAsia†), 2013). Besides AirAsia X, there are few more other subsidiaries which includes Thai AirAsia, Indonesia AirAsia, Philippines AirAsia, AirAsia Japan, AirAsia India, AirAsia Zest. Furthermore, AirAsia offers other services as well. They offer cargo services, online shopping services, magazines, booking tickets to international line-up events and an online travel portal. AirAsia Cargo is a division under AirAsia which is the offers cargo services up to 18 countries in Asia and Australia. It has also estabalish an online travel portal, AirAsiaGo that helps travelers to choose hotels, activities and travel services to meet their budget and activities with just surfing the internet. Furthermore, AirAsia has their official inflight magazine, Travel 3sixty that gives their passengers the latest news in travel, arts culture, lifestyle, sports, photography and the brand AirAsia itself. Magazine are not only found on board but it can be downloaded from their website and enjoy it at home and anywhere else. Not to forget about the most exciting thing for most of us especially ladies, the online one-stop-shop. AirAsiaMegastore aims to enhance the travel experience by offering varieties of friendly travel accessories to every customer on board (AirAsia Berhad (â€Å"AirAsia†), 2013). According to AirAsia official website, they were given the title World’s Best Low Cost Airline in the annual World Airline Survey by Skytrax for five consecutive years (2009 to 2013). In the Asia Pacific Top 1000 Brands 200, AirAsia also ranked as the Top 5 among the most recognized and admired airlines (AirAsia Berhad (â€Å"AirAsia†), 2013). Vision, Mission and Values 1. Vision To be the largest low cost airline in Asia and serving the 3 billion people who are currently undeserved with poor connectivity and high fares. 2. Mission To be the best company to work for whereby employees are treated as part of a big family Create a globally recognized ASEAN brand To attain the lowest cost so that everyone can fly with AirAsia Maintain the highest quality product, embracing technology to reduce cost and enhance service levels 3. Values We make the low fare model possible through the implementation of the following key strategies. Safety First: Partnering with the world most renowned maintenance providers and complying with the world airline operations. Valuing our People: Committing to our people’s development and well-being and treating them with respect, dignity and fairness. Customer Focused: We care and treat everyone in the same manner that we want to be treated. Integrity: Practicing highest standards of ethical behavior and demonstrate honesty in all our lines of work in order to command trust and mutual respect. Excellence in Performance: Setting goals beyond the best and reinforcing high quality performance standards and achieving excellence through implementing best practices. 4. Code of Conduct Ensuring we do our business fairly, impartially, ethically, and with the utmost regard to safety. Business Operation and Processes Internet technology is one the most important elements for AirAsia. It has high dependency for the operational and strategic management, and provides an online ticket booking services to traveler online. It is the company key channel of marketing and sales for the company as they are the pioneer airline in Asia that implemented fully ticketless travel and unassigned seats. Customers only need to visit their official website; http://www. airasia. com and they can book flight tickets to their destination. However, AirAsia still maintain the other channel to book flight tickets. Customer can choose to call to the centre, visit the sales office and airport sales counter, go through authorized travel agents, mobile booking via mobile. airasia. com. AirAsia has a simple business model to run their business. They are using the Low-Cost-Carrier (LCC) Business Model (Refer to Appendix A). There are three main components in this business model which includes:- 1. Simple Product †¢ Catering on demand for extra payment. †¢ Planes with narrow seating and only a single class. †¢ No seat assignment. †¢ No frequent flyer programmes. 2. Positioning Non-business passengers, especially leisure traffic and price conscious business passengers. Short-haul point to point traffic with high frequencies. Aggressive marketing. Secondary airports. Competition with all transport carriers. 3. Low Operating Costs Low wages. Low airport fees. Low costs for maintenance, cockpit training and standby crews due to homogeneous fleet. High resource productivity. Short ground waits due to simple boarding processes. No air freight, no hub services, short cleaning times, and high percentage of online sales. IT Implementations The followings are few system implementations that AirAsia have done, Yield Management System (YMS) and Computer Reservation System (CRS) in its marketing and sales activities, Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERS) and Advanced Planning and Scheduling System (APS) in operation activity. Yield Management System (YMS) Since 1990, Yield management has become the mainstream business theory and practices. Yield management is a set of yield, another term of revenue maximization strategies and tactics that is designed to improve the profitability of business. Due to involving several aspects of management control such as rate management, revenue streams management and distribution channels management, yield management is more complex than other strategy or management plan. It is quoted as highly successful new approach because it blends elements of operations, financial management and marketing. Generally, yield management is the process of understanding, anticipating and influencing consumer behavior in order to maximize revenue. Yield management often used for firms which have limited resources such as hotel, airline, advertising industry, cinema and etc. the focus of yield management is to sell the product to the consumer at the right timing and for the right price, which may create price discrimination. Price discrimination can be explained as selling the identical or closely identical products in different prices to maximize the total revenue earn by the firm. The idea of yield management originates from airline companies, American Airlines in United State. Before 1978 the airline industry in the United States are very restricted as the fares and the schedules were manipulated by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB). Flying is considered a luxury and the fares were very high during this period. In 1978 when the Congress passed the Airline Deregulation Act, the whole airline industry was shocked and everything changed. In the act, it said that in four years the industry would be completely deregulated, which mean companies were free to decide their domestic routes and their fares. It is a huge change from a totally restricted industry to complete freedom. When the Act is implemented, it lower the barriers for the new entrant to airline business and one of the newcomers was PeopleExpress. PeopleExpress is a small company with extremely low prices for their tickets, 70% below the bigger airlines. This newcomer has created huge impact for the major airlines as they simply could not compete with such low prices. During this hard time, major airlines like American Airline offering low fares as PeopleExpress will not cover their cost; if they lower their fares will bring the company to bankrupt but kept the higer fares they would lose their passengers. It seems that major airlines could not compete with newcomers as their cost is much lower than them in this new deregulated environment. But Robert Crandall, former CEO of American Airlines, announced his â€Å"Ultimate Super Saver Fares†. Which are American Airlines offering low fares just like PeopleExpress or sometime even lower but with two differences? The first differences is that customer who wanted to enjoy â€Å"Ultimate Super Saver†face have to book at least two weeks prior to departure, and stay at his destination over a Saturday night. On the other hand, the company, American Airlines restricts the number of seats that could be sold for discount price to save seats for full fare customers who book just days before departure. After this is launched, due to most of the customer preferred the major airline’s better service, eventually PeopleExpress was on the edge of bankruptcy. This is the birth of Yield management. Till now, more and more airline companies are applying this and even other industries too, like hotel and car rental companies. This system is also called revenue management, as Yield management is used only by airline companies. Yield management has three levels, which are strategic, tactical and booking control. Yield management strategic is the level, where market segments and the price, set for that particular segment, are determined. This is usually done annually. Yield management tactics is the process of updating the limit of how much units of the capacity can be sold at lower price and determination of it. This is done very frequently, usually daily for airlines companies. on the other hand, Booking control has to be done in real time. When a reservation request arrives for a flight, the system will decide to accept it, or refuse it and wait for another one that can increase the profit more. This decision is made with the help of a reservation system to create booking limits for all the fare classes. There are two kinds of booking limits, one is partitioned and another is nested. For partitioned, the partitioned booking limit contains separate blocks, one for each class. For nested booking limit, the available capacity for different classes overlaps in hierarchical order. This booking limit will excludes the opportunity that a unit is unavailable for a high class customer but in the same time it is available for a lower class customer. Yield management will calculates and updates the booking limits by goes through these four steps, data collection, forecasting and estimation, optimization and control. In data collection, companies store their historical data of customer behavior, demand, prices and other factors in order to make good forecasting and estimation. Data collection is the foundation of all Yield management systems, the more precisely the companies can store the data, the more precise forecast they can make. On the second step, forecasting and estimation, companies have to estimate the parameters of their model, and make predictions using the parameters. Most of the time companies not only forecase demand, but cancellations and no-shows too. This step is important as without a good prediction of demand we cannot optimize the controls. During the optimization step, companies will have to find the optimal set of controls, such as booking limits, discounts, promotions, prices and more. The final step, control is to control the sale of flights using the previously optimized controls. After Yield management has been introduced to the public, there are some ethical issues and questions of effectiveness. Some of the ethical issues is that some consumers are concern about the yield management could unethically penalize them for conditions which cannot be help, such as poorer families who stay in the neighborhoods with rich families will be charged as the price for rich families. But this does not happen much in airline companies as the Yield management that airline using are not able to employ this level of price discrimination. Price discrimination that happens more in airlines are customer who age 30-65 will be charged higher than others, fares right before public holidays are much more expensive than other fares, and etc. These tend to decrease the customer satisfaction and often lead to loss some of the loyalty customer. Overall the performance of Yield management system, in Airasia airline it play an important role as Airasia utilize this system to boost their total revenue Computer Reservation System (CRS) AirAsia’s Computer Reservation System which powered by Navitaire – Open Skies is another reason for its speedy business growth. Navitaires Open Skies technology has truly enabled Airasias growth from 2 million passengers to 7. 7 million passengers in less than two years. Open Skies scaled easily to accommodate our growth. Tony Fernandes, CEO AirAsia (Navitaire FAQ) Navitaires Open Skies airline reservation system is an integrated web-based reservation and inventory system which includes Internet, call center, airport departure control and more. Open Skies have been adopted by some 50 airlines around the world, including Air Asia, AirTran Airways, GOL, JetBlue Airways, Jetstar, Ryanair, and SpiceJet. Introduced in the year 1994, Open Skies are now believed as a leading provider of business solutions to the airline industry and a pioneer in implementing information technology and business process solutions that enable substantial profitability gains for its customers. (MICROSOFT CASE STUDIES) The Open Skies system focus on the main four key areas for Air Asia which is the direct sales, ancillary revenue generation, the use of customer-centric ticketless technology and on demand reporting. The Open Skies System is also known as the industry’s leading direct sales system. With Open skies, Air Asia may now conveniently provide online ticket reservation to the travelers where it can reduce the staff requirement, avoid costly settlement systems. This may help a lot in cost saving as a budget airline in the market. Thru the innovative online reservation, 99% of the clients are direct sales without involving middleman (travel agency). Although the system is well known for its direct sales but it also supported the distribution channels such as bi-directional codeshare booking and travel agency bookings where it effectively eliminates the middleman (travel agents) and the sales commissions that need to be paid to them. Thru the Web reservation system, consumer may also able to see the latest promotion as well as the accommodation bundle packages provide by the Air Asia. Among the conveniences to be found in the reservation system are the login systems where it remembers the user’s detail as a traveler and direct it’s bookings without re-entering the details again. Customer may also give variety choice of payment method including online bank transfer, credit cards or PayPal account payment. The ancillary sales, also known as top-up option sales in the reservation system is one of the first system introduce by Open Skies. Air Asia as a budget airline featured the fully online ancillary revenue generation through seat fees, payment option fees, private lounge option, airport transfer fees, travel insurance sales, baggage allowance fees, food and beverage booking fees and much more. These services may allow travelers to customize their travel experience to be more luxury or budget. Customer may easily find these options upon in their booking after confirming the date, time and details of the travelers. Some budget traveler may opt to give up all these optional choices, where it may be the lowest airfares around the world. With the affordable air ticket fares, Tony Fernandes introduce the Air Asia airline slogan by â€Å"Everyone Can Fly†The Open Skies system use by Air Asia was also the first airline reservation system to use a customer-centric model built on ticketless technology. Ticketless technology is an advanced, fundamentally different approach to reservations and payment. Its unique customer-centric data management system captures booking and financial information at the customer level, enabling customer self-service reservation changes and refunds. Ticketless system also allows airlines to easily create promotions, credits, service recoveries and more and post these directly to customer profiles. These can all be tailored to apply for selected markets, fare types and sales or travel dates. Through the ticketless systems, travelers may also login to the website by their encrypted password and username to views on their booking history for the past, current and future online booking. Another conveniences brought by the ticketless system is the Wireless Delivery System (WDS) is introduced by the Open Skies system to expand its reach via mobile phones. With this, potential customers will be able to book tickets via their mobile phones. This is a strategic move for growth as the Asia-Pacific region has a larger population of mobile phone users rather than internet users. This combined passenger, flight and financial data not only provides greater insights into customer activity, it also supports direct settlement, instant revenue information and reporting, and easy deployment of passenger credits or vouchers. The Forth of the main key features of the Open Skies, the on demand reporting provide a rich customer data base generated by the Open Skies ticketless system, which Air Asia marketers may utilize it for their future promotion. (Navitaire) Besides Open Skies that mainly use by the end user, Air Asia also corporate with Amadeus’s LCC (Low Cost Carrier’s System) since early 2012. This is an all new system where they mainly provide to the travel agency with the ability to more effectively cross-sell LCC ancillary services with more choice and better visibility with each booking. In other word, it will able to summarize the lowest price fares of the flights and provide easier accessibility to purchase the ticket for the customer. Travel agencies that use Amadeus benefit from superior accuracy, through more real-time availability in every transaction. With the connection that Amadeus has with the low cost carriers, travel agency will get access to the best LCC fares at any given time. Improving the control over the total booking process and allowing it show the best rates to the customers (Amadeus). Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) AirAsia has recently opted for a full fledged Enterprise resource planning system (ERP), which is an integrated solution powered by Microsoft Business solutions (MBS) on Microsoft technology platform which is implemented by Avanade consultants in MA 2005. The ERP system, which is business management software, is a system of integrated applications that manages the business of an organization. All facets of an operation, including product planning, development, manufacturing processes, sales and marketing can be integrated by the ERP software. The ERP software comprises of individually purchased enterprise software modules that are based upon the specific needs and technical capabilities of the organization. ERP features and functions comprise of integrating management, staff, and equipment, combining all aspects of your business into one system in order to facilitate every constituent of the manufacturing process. Every ERP module is then focused on a single area of business process, such as product development or marketing. The typically known ERP modules include features and functions for accounting, human resources (HR), manufacturing management, customer relationship management (CRM), and other business functions while ERP systems with manufacturing management functionality include those for product planning, material purchasing, inventory control, distribution, accounting, marketing, finance and human resource. The effectiveness of the ERP system comes from its configuration which uses a common database to store information obtained from a variety of business functions that user can accessed in one form or another. One of the primary benefits of using an ERP system is the solution’s multi-module application framework can be managed within a common information system. This is a clear benefit over the usage of the â€Å"point solutions†which relies on multiple databases that strains IT resources whereas ERP solutions standardize the use of one application to run an entire business. This leads to an increase in efficiencies and the decrease in the overall total cost of ownership (TCO) thus reducing operational costs and improving the company’s profitability. Aside from that, there are additional benefits to be reaped when implementing an ERP system to an organization. One such benefit would be a tighter control over financial compliance declaration as well as other forms of compliance reporting. Next, ERP has a single data source for product and services information such as information regarding suppliers, vendors, customer orders and products that can drive rapid product development and launch cycles which increases a company’s overall market share. With such service in place, there will be an increase in valuable corporate data being accessed with the data delivering a clear, global view of the continuous improvements strategies etched out by the business and establishes common performance metrics as well as a measure to gauge the health of the business. In addition to that, the ERP software fosters decision making at critical levels in the development and manufacturing process by effectively managing it holistically. The ERP software also grants support for streamlined sourcing and procurement processes which drives alignment to customer demands. This support also delivers a centralized buying model to reduce unauthorized and unnecessary expenses. Furthermore, by providing sales and operations planning, it is so much easier to access critical information that can foster â€Å"closed loop†processes where customers will not be overpromised or undelivered by the business. Aside from that, the ERP software also integrates in automated business processes within a single system for things such as invoicing and sales as well as purchase orders in order to further improve forecast accuracy and a reduction in efficiencies. This not only improves forecasting accuracy but it also reduces inefficiencies. Moreover, with the ERP software in place, service levels and customer retention can be improved due to having a single base of information for billing and other customer interactions. Advanced Planning and Scheduling System (APS) Another quintessential component utilized by AirAsia to run their aviation business would be the advanced planning and scheduling (APS) system. The current condition of the low cost carrier industry is a saturated market with high degree of competition between rivalries as they are all vying for the lowest possible fare in order to win the competition. The implementation of the APS system response well to the current challenges tackled by AirAsia as it offers optimisation capabilities for operational planning and scheduling. This will aid AirAsia in creating new sources of cost advantages. The reason why APS matters is because the system optimises AirAsia’s supply chain management which prepares the supply chain activities in relation to customers and requirements by suppliers. These activities geared by the APS system are clustering and classifying customer orders, forecast future fulfilment requirements, set order priorities and checks resources availability, Aside from optimising AirAsia’s supply chain, APS system also increases their overall performance in areas such as event management technology, supplier portals, inventory planning, demand forecasting and maintenance management as well as route profitability analysis. For event management technology, the APS system will assist in the assessment of suppliers’ performance and provide the capability to streamline monitoring process. To circumvent order processing errors from happening, the APS system improves the supplier portals by providing an information hub for airlines and suppliers. Moving on to inventory planning, demand forecasting and maintenance management, the APS system helps the airlines and aircraft manufacturers and other suppliers to have a more efficient collaborative strategy in managing inventory. For the final function, route profitability analysis tools enable airline companies to conduct analysis for planning proficient routes. The development of APS system was founded as the Invention of Operation Production Technology (OPT) during the 1980s due to the limitation of ERP systems and Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) in optimisation capabilities. In present time, the APS system has been developed into more complex software with the emergence of technological advancement. Based on the Gartner Hype Cycle, the APS software has already been classified as being in the fourth stage known as slope enlightenment where the systems are adequate and customers realizing the benefits and risks of implementing the system. According to a research done, the majority of the aviation companies are expected to save their money on the supply chain optimisation by at least 50%. The combination between market demand and push technology by software vendors signifies the promise of APS being the next source of AirAsia’s cost advantages and given its phase in Gartner Hype Cycle, the risks involved in choosing the wrong vendor is minimized. Furthermore, the implementation of APS system has provided numerous new functions to AirAsia that enables them to increase their performance. These functions include an event management technology, supplier portals, an inventory planning, demand forecasting plus maintenance management capabilities, and a route profitability analysis. Firstly, the event management technology will help AirAsia smooth the progress of assessing suppliers’ performance along with providing the capability to streamline monitoring process. Secondly, the supplier portal will provide information hub for airlines and their suppliers to prevent errors from happening during operational activities such as processing. Third functions are inventory planning, demand forecasting, and maintenance management capabilities. These functions enable airlines and aircraft manufacturers and other suppliers to have collaboration approach in maintenance schedule, and design collaboration, managing the inventory for example spare parts. Last but not least, the route profitability analysis tools enable AirAsia to perform an analysis for planning efficient route. There are two beneficial aspects of implementing APS in the low cost carrier industry i. e. strategic and operational. In terms of APS being strategic, AirAsia will be visible across the whole supply chain as the APS system grants them connectivity in terms of cross-functional scheduling and planning with suppliers and customers whilst warranting that each party works together in integration. The APS system also enables process-centric strategy which is what AirAsia needs to consider as most airlines are making low cost strategy their top priority. Another strategic benefit is the optimization of profit management by the APS system as it minimises the operational cost of AirAsia by using the information generated by the YMS system to improve planning and scheduling for the facilities needed. The last strategic benefit is the optimisation of the flying route in which the APS system will analyse and identify optimal profits for AirAsia. The other aspect that we are to look into would be the operational benefits of applying APS system to AirAsia. Firstly, the APS system would grant AirAsia visibility across functional level which is the capability to integrate processes. This will shorten scheduling cycle, maintenance cycle and lead time therefore an increase in efficiency. Secondly, a flexible and faster response during operation processes means airlines will have a better understanding and control of the interrelationship between different variables constituting total performance. The APS system can be deployed in a proper manner where the complexity of measuring interrelationships can be manipulated. For example, a flight may be due to airport facilities or other variables such as bad weather. The APS system can help by planning in advance on what steps should be taken in order to contain such a situation. Lastly, the APS systems helps in achieving better maintenance management as aircraft maintenance is critical in any airline industry especially AirAsia considering they utilize their aircraft fleet more than standard airlines. Since APS grants visibility across the value chain, it will be much easier and efficient for AirAsia to collaborate with aircraft manufacturers and supplier. This leads to shorten over-haul time thus enabling AirAsia to improve their fleets’ utilisation. With the usage of APS system, it is cost efficient for AirAsia as they save more when dealing with maintenance cost. Furthermore, the system also helps AirAsia schedule activities associated to its facility in advance.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Essay English Essay Example
Essay English Essay Example Essay English Essay Essay English Essay Essay Topic: The Secret Life Of Bees I am a firm believer that parents should be parents and not friends. When this friendship occurs some parents take it to the extreme. Judith Warner states in Helicopter Parenting Turns Deadly that parents of teenagers should not act like teenagers, dress like teenagers, or talk Like teenagers. Parents should behave Like the grown-ups they are presumed to be, not adolescents. When It comes down to It being a helicopter parent, parents tend to be overly involved at an extreme level, blow a gasket about normal teen stuff, and leave out important aspects of the parent-child allegations. Megan Meier was an average teenager that became the victim of an overly involved parent. Lori Drew got hung up on what was being said about her daughter, and her daughters reputation, that It cause Megan to take her own life. Lori went to an extreme. Parents arent all sick like Lori Drew and Wanda Webb Holloway, states Warner. Wanda Holloway, similar to Mrs.. Drew, is sick. She hired a Whitman to kill the mother of her daughters cheer rival. These two mothers are Just a small example of how parents can really blow a gasket, although, some are more mentally stable with he results. That Is the disturbing degree to which todays parents and mothers In patellar- frequently lose themselves when they get caught trying to smooth out. Or steamroll over, the social challenges faced by their children, exclaims Judith Warner. The middle/high schools years are the hardest in any teens life. They will get picked on for not wearing the expensive, name brand clothes, but Just because that is the case does not mean the parents should go buy these items Just to help the social status. IT IS NOT NECESSARY! In twenty years, it will not matter how much your clothes cost. There are no boundaries In parent-child relationships In present time. People now feel Like having a good relationship with your child means youre Involved In ever aspect of your childs life, says Roseland Washman author of Queen Bees Wannabes. There should be secrets between mother and daughter, father and son, and vice versa. It is only healthy, and honestly not all things require a parents input. There should be limitations, and privacy. These aspects built into a relationship with a child will create the strongest of bonds. Parents get overly Involved, blow a gasket about normal things, and leave out important things out of the parent-child relationship. A teen in these years will go though many tribulations, the last things they need is an overly involved parent taking extreme actions on everyday situations. These trials will shape the child into the young adult they will become. My advice to parents is to take a step back and wait till your held asks you for your insight on a situation. Essay 2 English 1010 By mellower teenagers, dress like teenagers, or talk like teenagers. Parents should behave like the grown-ups they are presumed to be, not adolescents. When it comes down to it being daughters reputation, that it cause Megan to take her own life. Lori went to an That is the disturbing degree to which todays parents and mothers in patrician- frequently lose themselves when they get caught trying to smooth out, or steamroll There are no boundaries in parent-child relationships in present time. People now feel like having a good relationship with your child means youre involved in ever Parents get overly involved, blow a gasket about normal things, and leave out wait till your hill asks you for your insight on a situation.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
The effectiveness of Hong Kong Law on antipirate relating to Essay
The effectiveness of Hong Kong Law on antipirate relating to Information technology - Essay Example In the 1990s, Hong Kong was the piracy capital of Asia, if not even the world. Compared to literature, music and movies, computer software is a comparatively new type of intellectual property. It is universally accepted that information technology piracy is protected by patent, trademarks and copyright laws, therefore the relevant legislation are to be studied to determine if there are any shortcomings, and also the other underlying factors which contribute to this phenomenon of piracy in Hong Kong are investigated before any conclusions are to be drawn. However, software is protected under the very similar legislations that administer music, literature, movies and other copyrighted content. Copying software illegally is not any different than illegally copying any of these forms of intellectual property - and the punishments for doing so are equally harsh (Anti-Piracy). Pirated software could be bought openly, cheaply and safely everywhere from the Golden Shopping Arcade (GSA) and Computer 33 Plaza in Shumshuipo to the "Internet Zone" at Whampoa Gardens and the Sinoplaza in the Mong Kok section of Kowloon (Wong, 2005). Hong Kong retail information technology and computer software piracy was also found in cyberspace. In August of 1996, the Business Software Alliance (BSA), working closely with the Alliance Against CD-ROM Theft (AACT), closed down an Internet site called Sammy Game Center, which offered illegal CD-ROM products for sale and export to the United States, the Netherlands, Sweden and Canada, via the net. Over the past several years, advances in computer software have brought us time-saving business programs, educational software that teaches basic skills and sophisticated subjects, graphics programs that have revolutionized the design industry, Internet applications that help connect us with other computer users, and an increasingly compl ex variety of computer games to entertain us (Pramog). As the software industry grows, everyone stands to benefit (Anti-Piracy). The areas of the law which specifically applies to information technology and computer software are closely looked into, and the types of legal remedies on offer are mentioned. The various other factors which affect information technology and software piracy are also discussed. It is noted that the various areas which affects the efficient enforcement of the legislation and explores the reasons why policing of anti-piracy laws are so problematic are also elaborately identified. It is attempts to provide solutions to tackling this problem of information technology related piracy. The purpose of this research paper is to examine the various factors which affect different kinds piracy related to the information technology in Hong Kong, with the aim of hoping to understand the reasons behind such activities, and attempts to suggest ways of tackling the problem. Generally speaking, a piracy in IT dector is someone who copies a program that is normally sold for a price but without paying f or using it. There are different existing piracy scales which been mainly used for examination the effectiveness of anti-pirate
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